Insights / Digital Strategy

Digital Strategy

25 March 2021

About magnifying glasses and mirrors. And broad vision versus focus.

Both are used in digitalisation projects. Often the wrong way round.

Focus is good. At the right moment. But not during analysis and vision creation.

Then focus stands in the way of a sustainable solution. It works like a magnifying glass on problems, small fires, practical issues. It obscures the underlying problem. So you get bogged down in details. Your courage sinks into your shoes. And all that's left of your digital ambitions is a stack of power points.

A broad view is good. But not during the execution of your plans. A broad outlook makes you pick up all kinds of things. And nothing finished. It delivers results that do not fit together. Unease and chaos. Leaving only frustration behind from digital ambitions.

For digital success, you use focus and a broad view at the right time.

The broad view during analysis and vision creation. To mirror. On what you have. At what you have, at what you are up against. And on what you need to be a future-proof organisation.

Focus to achieve what is needed. To become a future-proof organisation. Take action with the focus on what is needed. To move towards the final goal. That is described in your vision.

We use mirrors and magnifying glasses at the right moment. As a result, we design sustainable solutions. Which we realise with targeted action.

For sustainable digital transformation.

Want to start with a broad view? Our Digital Strategy Canvas is the mirror that can get you started. Send a message to and you will receive it for free.

You can do it yourself!