It is sometimes said that data rules the world. That may be an overstatement, but we certainly see that data and data management get more and more attention in the field. Organizations recognize that data is a means that can help to achieve strategic objectives, and also that data management is a means to take good care of data such that it is fit for purpose.
We define data as a representation of our understanding of some domain, such that it can stand for that domain. Understanding the domain is essential in order to effectively gather, store, query, manipulate, and use data about that domain. We believe that data modeling is essential for this. Unfortunately we also see that data modeling is not as popular as it once was.
In two whitepapers we explore how to deal with time in databases and data models. In this first paper, we zoom in on the design question based on our exploration of the available literature. We’ve kept the tone light and informal while still covering some foundational aspects of data modeling.
Stay tuned for more, we will publish the second whitepaper soon!