Insights / Data in context

Data in context


Bas van Gils

06 June 2023

For many organizations, it holds that data is a mission critical asset. This translates to: no data = no business. This sounds nice, but it also raises a series of questions such as:

  • What is data, really? What is the relation between data and related concepts such as information, knowledge, and wisdom?
  • How can data be structured effectively to enable both a) managing data as an asset, and b) to use it for value creation?
  • What does it mean, really, to manage data as an asset? 

For companies/organizations, the matter of managing and using data is a serious challenge. It would be helpful to address these with appropriate theories. In our new publication Data in Context. Using Models as Enablers for Managing and Using Data (Van Gils, 2023) we distinguish between scientific theories and heuristic theories as illustrated below.

The first part of the book uses scientific theories (e.g. semiotics, relational model) to describe what data is and how to structure it effectively. The second part of the book uses heuristic theories (mainly the DAMA DMBOK and our own experiences in the field) to show what it means to manage and use data as an asset. Combined, these give guidance on for students and professionals dealing with real-world issues in the practical domain. 

At Strategy Alliance, we value a balance between academic rigor and practical relevance. This is the back-bone for this new publication and is also the leading principle for our courses that are based on it. Interested? Have a look at the publication page at Springer Verlag, Amazon , or get in touch by dropping us a note. Enjoy!